General Instructions

1. For online payments:
Bank Details of Academy: 
Account Name: Kaulguds Academy Pvt Ltd Bank: Punjab National Bank
Account number: 08611132001117 IFSC: PUNB0086110 
2. For UPI Payments:
3. All the payments should be done in the office between the working hours (10.30 am-5.30 pm, Monday-Saturday).
1. Requesting parents to take care that the instalment cheque does not get bounced, else the parents will be solely liable for the penalty charges from the bank.

2. CHEQUES: If any of the instalment cheques get bounced, parents will have to pay the entire remaining fee amount by cash, and thereafter, no more instalment facility will be available for that student. Failing to do so, will result in cancellation of admission WITHOUT any refund.

3.There will be late fee charges of 1000/- per month.

Refund Policy
No Refund will be given under these circumstances: Transfers, change of neighbourhood, change of University/School, change of stream, change of mind etc. However, for the considerable genuine reasons, the student MIGHT be considered for the refund, if and only if,

1. The student has attended all the lectures conducted for 10 days according to his/her timetable.

2. She/He can claim for refund only between the first 10 days after admission. The GST amount will be deducted from ANY REFUND.

All the rights of REFUND are reserved to the Academy.

General Instructions
1. The candidates must submit the filled in form for admission.

2. The students who are coming in person to take admission are advised to come with  and filled in application form if possible, to save time at the time of admission.

3. The student would be liable for necessary action as deemed fit by Kaulguds Academy Pvt Ltd for any wrong information filled in the application form.

4. Registration fee and duly filled Admission Form will confirm the admission.

1.Batches for class _____________  will   start   from   ___________________________approximately.

2. Students of 11th and 12th will be prepared for Board Exams as well as IIT-JEE / NEET/ MHT– CET etc depending on the batch.

3. Weekly tests   will    be conducted throughout the   year, for Boards Exams and Competitive Exams as well.

4. The Academy will try its best to do justice to the students. Students are expected to co-operate with the institute, in case of classes rescheduling/cancelling due to any unavoidable circumstances.